Safeguarding is a key priority at the FAR Academy. We have two qualified DSLs (designated safeguarding leads) who convene a weekly meeting on safeguarding issues and developments for staff training. It is our responsibility to keep all students safe during the whole of their time at the FAR Academy. Students must feel safe at the FAR and at any work experience placements they are involved in. Staff receive annual safeguarding training and regular safeguarding updates.
You can download our full Safeguarding policy HERE.

The designated safeguarding leads have effective links with external agencies to whom they refer, if they have any concerns. Staff recruitment is carried out with integrity and ensures the suitability of staff to work with young people and vulnerable adults.
The designated safeguarding leads have effective links with external agencies to whom they refer, if they have any concerns. Staff recruitment is carried out with integrity and ensures the suitability of staff to work with young people and vulnerable adults.