Term 5 – Far Academy news round-up

Far Heros

We hope you have all been enjoying the fantastic weather we have been having lately, and that this continues into next week’s half-term break!

We finish the term on Wednesday 22nd May at 3pm and return on Monday 3rd June at 9.45am.

This Terms’ Work

Here’s an overview of what the pupils have been doing this term

Graphics / Art & Design

In graphic design, the students have just completed a brief to create a cover for a series of Japanese magazines, and now we are learning how to create a successful portfolio. In art, we are continuing to build our giant skateboarder puppet for the carnival and creating items to sell at Canterbury Pride.


The construction students have now completed the new sensory room, which looks amazing! They are working on a project for the Umbrella Centre, and they have been assisting the 1st years’ art and design project in building the frame and skateboard for the giant skater.


Building on their technical skills, the students have been learning about photo composition, understanding the ‘Rule of Thirds’, and framing. Taking the lesson outside the classroom, we had two photo trips! One to the local park where the students showed how quickly they’ve understood how to see shapes, lines and colours in their everyday environment and our second trip was to Reculver Towers, having more time to explore and create interesting compositions.

The students have also started on their photography project based on the idea of ‘Identity’ to present at the end of the year. They’ve made mind maps on what they think Identity is and have started sketching ideas, putting together prop lists, and learning studio lighting setups in preparation to shoot their projects when we return after half term.

Photography students work

Photography students work


In English, the pupils have been working on comprehension, particularly extracting information from leaflets. They have also been preparing themselves for future exams by working through past questions.


In Maths, we have been working on long division and long multiplication and, as in English, working through some past exam questions.

English and Maths Next Year

Following updated guidance from the Education and Skills Funding Agency, we will be making some changes in our timetables next year meet the new conditions of funding.

Full-time students are now required to have 3 hours of English lessons each week, and 4 hours of maths. These changes only apply to students who do not already hold GCSE’s in these subjects.

We appreciate that English and maths are not always favourites of some our students, so we will be managing the change with them as carefully as we can.

We (Still!) Need Your Help!

As mentioned in last term’s newsletter, we often run the charity car park at Whitstable Junior School. This is a great way to raise funds for the academy as well as letting residents and visitors know about the work we do here.

If you can spare an hour or 2 of your time during the day on Sunday 9th June, Sunday 21st July or Thursday 25th July, please contact nick@farskate.co.uk.


Please can all students ensure that if they are going to be absent for any reason, they email hayley@farskate.co.uk or call on 01227 779181.

Attendance has been good again this term!

2023/24 Term Dates

Term 5 Monday 15th April 2024 to Wednesday 22nd May 2024

Term 6 Monday 3rd June 2024 to Thursday 11th July 2024